Dear Reinhard and dear aces team,
I am happy to let you know that we have just finished preparations for our project meeting within our aces trilateral partnership project, 126. "Volunteering Bells Ringing", and are looking forward to getting together in a few days.
It is about a summer camp in Montenegro from our Activity Plan.
"When ?
July 2011 [from 19 to 26 July]
What and how ?
Summer Camp. Students and teachers from all three schools will get together and work on achieving common goals: raising awareness on importance to save and preserve nature through composing volunteering slogans which would, by interaction with foreign tourists, be translated in as many as possible languages. Flyers with slogans will be spread, inviting all interested parties to take part in the competition „My slogan to save the Earth” which will be held during our Summer Camp. All participants will be invited to join our “ACES Partnership Facebook page” to be created and send their new ideas. We will have workshops and games.
Where ?
Montenegro [Budva/Montenegro]
Who participates ?
Delegations of students and teachers from all 3 partner schools [Scoala cu clasele I-VIII 'Matei Basarab" Targoviste/Romania, "Pavle Rovinski" School Podgorica/Montenegro and "Stevan Nemanja" School from Gornji Dragaljevac, Bijeljina/Bosnia & Herzegovina]
Who leads implementations ?
The coordinator from Romanian school [Elisabeta-Luise Mihalachioiu]."
We would be very happy if someone from the aces team could join us in Budva to work and have fun together, to enjoy the generous Montenegrin sun and landscape.
We also invite you to visit our project blog and our project facebook profile
Best regards,